How It Works

What is the process to get the visas you need?


Labor Certification Process (Agriculture)

After our initial consultation, we will help you determine the correct job description as outline by the Standard Industrial Classification System (SIC) Code and the North American Industrial Classification Code (NAIC) Code.

  1. Help the employer with the Farm Labor Certification (FLC) and the Farm Labor Certification Employer (FLCE).
  2. Develop job descriptions in compliance with US Department of Regulations, work with State Work Force agencies for advertisement to show no US workers are being displaced.
  3. Complete documentation for approval of the Temporary Labor Certification.
  4. Get Certified!
  5. Petition for the requested visas from United States Citizenship & Immigration.
  6. Approval from United States Citizenship & Immigration.
  7. Contact your employee of choice and guide them through the Visa process or recruit foreign workers for you and guide them through the Visa Process.


Labor Certification Process (Non-Agriculture)

After our initial consultation, we will help you determine the correct job description as outline by the Standard Industrial Classification System (SIC) Code and the North American Industrial Classification (NAIC) Code.

  1. Apply for and receive a Department of Labor Prevailing Wage Determination.
  2. Pursue certification of the requested visas through the Department of Labor.
  3. Tap the local U.S. market to prove we are not displacing our local men and women. Dates of newspaper advertisements will be provided by the US Department of Labor.
  4. Get Certified!
  5. Petition for the requested visas from United States Citizenship & Immigration.
  6. Approval from United States Citizenship & Immigration.
  7. Contact your employee of choice and guide them through the Visa process or recruit foreign workers for you and guide them through the Visa Process.

Don't let this process worry you! We are here with you every step of the way. From the very beginning steps of determining the best job description, to getting your approval for visas, till the workers leave and we start the next season. As a former federal officer with the US Department of labor, I have a unique understanding of the documentation process and the compliance process. Don’t be left in the dark on when working with the programs that are governed by the Immigration Nationality Act!

Above are the simplified steps of what it takes to get Agricultural H-2A Visas and Non-Agricultural H-2B Visas. Keep in mind that this is a long process and often takes 4 or more months to complete. It's important to be early and ahead of the game, so contact us, or call to find out when you should start. Office: 863-816-4489 Cell: 605-940-2521